Curtain coater now also in the mill Kolicevo Karton
With its installation in our Slovenian mill in Kolicevo in July 2015, curtain coaters are now working successfully in three MMK mills. A new blade aggregate and pope-roller have also been installed.
Improvement in product performance and energy footprint.
The investment is to be seen primarily as an answer to the needs of the market and the increased statutory requirements that cartonboard has to meet. In future it will be obligatory to code every pharmaceutical packaging with a so-called “unique identifier”. The virgin fibre cartonboard qualities, Excellent Top™ and Kromopak™ from Kolicevo, have excellent inkjet and laser coding properties. This has been confirmed by PTS (Papiertechnische Stiftung, German research and service institute specialised in fibre-based solutions). The prerequisites laid down in the EU directive against counterfeit drugs (EU Falsified Medicine Directive, 2011/62/EU), the FFPI guidelines and the criteria contained in ISO standard 15415 can be met in full.
The new coating technology also offers significant energy-saving potential as the lower water content of the coating leads to lower energy expenditure in the drying process. As a result the CO2 footprint and the already high environmental sustainability of Kolicevo Karton have been further improved.

Increase in productivity with new pope-roller
The sharp rise in demand for our products from Kolicevo also necessitated a corresponding increase in the productivity of the pope-roller. The new machine roller which also makes an outstanding visual impression with a diameter of 3.8 m and a mass of 34 t, is capable of producing a significant increase in performance.
With this all-round investment, our Kolicevo mill which celebrates its 95th anniversary this year, is ideally equipped to face the challenges of the global market.