Exemplary Energy Management: MMK Mills Meet ISO 50001 Standard
A total of four MM Karton mills were certified according to ISO 50001 to honour their exemplary energy management: Mayr-Melnhof Eerbeek based in the Netherlands, as well as the German mills Baiersbronn, Gernsbach and Neuss.
The ISO 50001 standard represents a systematic approach for measuring and optimising the delivery, usage and consumption of energy in industrial, commercial and institutional businesses. Progress is being monitored, and new potentials for saving energy are captured. Rather than focusing on one-time projects, companies are expected to implement a process for the ongoing improvement of workflows.
MM Karton is dedicated toward making its mills more energy efficient and lowering specific costs as part of a continuous process. In the past, systematic energy management based on clear-cut key performance indicators (KPI) already helped us to significantly reduce energy costs and meet, or rather exceed, emission targets. We are continuously working on further refining this approach.
As part of this effort, the MMK mills are already targeted to meet the provisions of ISO 50001 and will be successively certified according to this standard. A team of experts from all mill departments identified and implemented solutions to save energy for instance in the water cycle, in maintaining the vacuum system, as well as in new projects. Workshops were also held to make employees aware of their own role in saving energy. The success of the projects implemented is extensively documented and kept up to date: The Eerbeek mill achieved major energy savings in the steam section of the powerplant; in Baiersbronn, efforts are being undertaken to further lower the energy and gas consumption.