O du fröhliche … safe Advent calendars thanks to FOODBOARD™ virgin fibre
As regularly as we celebrate Christmas on December 24th, and children expectantly open the little doors on their Advent calendars for the 24 days leading up to that special day, no pre-Christmas season seems to go by without critical reporting about traces of mineral oil and related substances being detected in the Advent chocolate. With FOODBOARD™ virgin fibre and a specially developed calendar construction, we can offer an all-around safe solution.
Consumer magazines draw attention
The German consumer magazine Stiftung Warentest first rang the alarm bells in late 2012. In their test “Adventskalender mit Schokoladenfüllung: Mineralöl in der Schokolade” (Advent calendars with chocolate filling: Mineral oil in the chocolate), testers had found a high content of mineral oil saturated hydrocarbons (MOSH) and mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH) and had caused quite a stir in the sweets industry. Since then, the topic of mineral oil migration has repeatedly been discussed in the media, as testers regularly check for mineral oil substances during food safety inspections (see chronology below).
Advent calendars made of virgin fibre are only safe with a barrier
The results of the above mentioned study by Stiftung Warentest correctly pointed out that there is a multitude of sources of mineral oils in foods. However, the assumption was raised that the concentrations found come from recycled cartonboard. In fact, however, the Advent calendars inspected were almost exclusively made from virgin fibre cartonboard.
Mineral oil migration can only be stopped by using a functional barrier between the food and the packaging. This also ensures comprehensive protection against cross-contamination with mineral oils and other defined unintended substances from the transport packaging. Thanks to fascinatingly simple calendar construction developed by MM Karton and the use of FOODBOARD™ virgin fibre, the chocolate behind the little calendar doors is safely protected from migration of unintended substances.
Creating trust and informing consumers with labelling
Ongoing reporting by consumer magazines (Stiftung Warentest, Öko-Test) and NGOs (foodwatch) attracts the attention of consumers, who demand solutions they can recognise at a glance at the supermarket.
By using the FOODBOARD™ logo on their packaging, food producers can communicate their commitment to product safety, and provide information about the functional barrier right on the grocery shelf, thereby strengthening consumer trust. The problem of mineral oil migration from packaging into food must be taken seriously and justifiably receives media attention. With FOODBOARD™, Mayr-Melnhof Karton has provided the solution.
In addition to Advent calendars, we can offer safe solutions for other special packaging constructions (e.g. telescope boxes).
For further information, please contact our team of experts:
SEP 10 | FEB 12 | NOV 12 | NOV 14 | NOV 14 |
Stiftung Warentest |
ÖKO – Test “Mir Kraut vor Dir”: Proof of unintended Substances in Tea |
Stiftung Warentest |
DEC 14 | SEP 15 | OCT 15 | JUL 17 |
Stiftung Warentest |
ÖKO – TEST “Schokomüsli. Hallo, meine Süßen!” (Chocolate Muesli. Hello, my sweet!): Proof of unintended substances like pesticides and mineral oil in chocolate muesli |
ÖKO – Test |
*Reporting NGOs and Consumer Magazines on Unintended Substances in Food

Interested? Datasheet and Samples of
FOODBOARD™ virgin fibre can be found here: