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MM Količevo d.o.o.

Located in the heart of Slovenia, MM Količevo is the only cartonboard mill in Europe producing three product groups – FBB, WLC and Liner – on one machine, at one site.

The Slovenian mill MM Količevo produces virgin and recycled fibre-based cartonboard as well as white top coated recycled liner, mainly for food industry and pharmaceutical applications. The option to operate the board machine in swing mode allows for increased production of each of these product groups, depending on current demand, giving the mill the flexibility to adapt to changing market requirements. MM Količevo operates on a board machine that was extensively modernised in 2023 and uses state-of-the-art technologies and processes to ensure consistently high product quality.
With MM Količevo’s unique hybrid grades, the mill offers a wide range of packaging materials by using fibres at each stage of their life cycle, allowing customers to choose the optimum product to meet their sustainability goals.

1920, since 1998 part of MM Board & Paper
Production capacity
300,000 t/y
Production lines
Capacity300,000 t/y
Machine width440 cm
QualitiesVirgin fibre cartonboard (GC2)
Recycled cartonboard (GT2, GT4, UT4, GD2, GD3)
Liner (offset liner)
Grammage180-450 g/m²