Code of Conduct and Policies

Mutual trust as the principal concept offers the basis for joint, constructive cooperation within the company and with business partners. In order to meet the exacting demands in the best possible way, the MM Group places high demands in terms of responsible conduct and integrity on its employees, customers, suppliers, service providers and other contractual partners.
Supplier Code of Conduct
The MM Group has set itself principles of conduct that meet the highest ethical standards (see Code of Conduct). We expect our suppliers to apply comparable principles of behaviour that correspond to our Supplier Code of Conduct.
Our information security policy
This policy applies within MM Group and all of its subsidiaries, regardless of location, and relates to all activities, functions, processes, assets, and information assets that are necessary to achieving the corporate objectives.
Our declaration of principles
The MM Group is aware of the importance of human rights and is committed to respecting and complying with them and actively preventing violations of human rights.
Sustainability policies
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