And the winner is … FOODBOARD™ – PPI Award 2016 for MMK
FOODBOARD™ represents a milestone for the cartonboard industry: an environmentally friendly cartonboard with completely new features which opens up packaging applications we could have never thought of before in the paper-based packaging world.
The core component is an innovative barrier on the food contact side of the board which offers protection against the migration of defined unintended substances into the food. In addition, FOODBOARD™ delivers impressive results with slightly grease resistant attributes, keeps certain packed products fresh and crispy for longer and also protects against organoleptic influences. Franz Rappold, Member of the Board: “The award underscores the solution competence of Mayr-Melnhof Karton as well as our ongoing efforts to increase the benefit to our customers. However, the best reward for all of us is to actively sell FOODBOARD™, thus comprehensively supplying the market with our food safety solution and ensuring permanently high consumer confidence.” The official awards ceremony took place on 21 November 2016 in Brussels.

PPI Awards
Since 2009, RISI, the leading information provider to the global pulp and paper industry, has been honouring outstanding achievements of companies and individuals with the PPI Awards. The widely noticed award has become the world‘s most important prize in this sector. The submissions were judged by an independent panel of jury members, such as Rod Young and Esko Uutela (RISI), Richard Donovan (Rainforest Alliance), Nicholas Mockett (Morgan Capital), John Pollard (Unilever), Adam Bushong (Dell), as well as other experts from a wide range of fields.
For further information, please contact our team of experts:
Interested? Datasheet and Samples of
FOODBOARD™ can be found here: