Foodboard™ stands for product safety
With FOODBOARD™, MMK is setting a new standard for the safety of packed food. The intensively discussed subject of mineral oil has been solved on an industrial scale based on MMK‘s own research and innovation.
The same principle applies to cartonboard as to all food packaging: consumer health comes first. Continuous research and development is the basis for the ongoing improvement of safe cartonboard solutions – also in connection with the prevention of mineral oil migration which has been the subject of intensive discussion in the industry. MM Karton faced up to this challenge from the beginning and in FOODBOARD™ it has achieved the breakthrough.
Challenge of mineral oil migration solved
FOODBOARD™ protects packed food from defined unintended substances such as mineral oils. Furthermore, the barrier offers comprehensive protection not only from the migration of defined unintended substances from the primary packaging, but also protects against influences from printing inks and the environment, which can compromise the packed food during transportation, storage and at the point of sale, thereby providing reliable protection against cross-contamination.
Innovative barrier concept protects against defined unintended substances from the packaging environment
The core element of FOODBOARD™ is an innovative, environmentally and consumer-friendly barrier concept. Thereby packed food is perfectly shielded against defined unintended substances from the packaging environment. This is achieved by a new cartonboard structure and the application of carefully selected migration barriers. FOODBOARD™ complies with the current European regulations and laws for direct and indirect food contact. Relevant declarations have already been issued by independent, leading institutes (certificates are provided to all customers and interested parties: In addition, comprehensive long-term series tests (up to 36 months) with leading multinational food producers in the past few years have confirmed the effectiveness of our barrier. FOODBOARD™ meets the latest published statutory requirements of a possible “mineral oil regulation” from the German Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture (BMEL). Furthermore these external analyses based on the EU convention prove that
by the use of FOODBOARD™ no migration of MOAH into food above the detection limit 0.15 mg/kg exists. All the ecological benefits such as recyclability and bio-degradability as well as the commercial arguments for a sustainable packaging economy continue to apply in full measure.
The challenge of mineral oil migration from packaging to food can therefore be regarded as solved thanks to FOODBOARD™.

3) board structure FOODBOARD™ with bright reverse side (GT1)
For further information, please contact our team of experts:
Interested? Datasheet and Samples of
FOODBOARD™ can be found here: