Board & Paper
MMK Cartonboard can protect in any climate
Fungicide Treatment
Even in extreme relative humidity and high temperatures, MM Karton offers special fungicide-treated cartonboard for long-term and effective protection of the packaged goods.
Good to know
This special treatment is used for example on cartonboard for soap packaging. The reason is that soaps contain up to 15 % residual water. In contact with an untreated cartonboard reverse side, this can cause fungal spores to form. Cartonboard qualities with a fungicide treatment stop this process and offer optimum safety. Particularly in tropical countries, soap packaging is equipped with a high level of protection – more than 1,000 ppm (parts per million) anti-fungal agent are applied to the cartonboard reverse side.
Natural alternative to
- PE coatings
- Soap packaging
Our cartonboard qualities